10 Job Interview Tips For Freshers

So, finally, you have received the interview call. Now is the time to present yourself in person and talk about everything you want your potential employer to know about you. No need to panic. Here is a list of 10 tips you should follow to be your best version during the interview. Remember, for the interviewer, an interview is more about elimination than selection!

Know about the company and job role

Make sure you go to the company website and read through all of what they do, what they stand for, and their history. In addition, also make sure that you thoroughly read and understand the job description of the position that you are applying for.

Preparing for basic interview questions

In addition to questions based on your education, expect questions that evaluate you on the skill-sets that the role in question demands. While reading the job description, prepare a list of skill-sets that the job may require and highlight them during the interview. A storytelling approach using the STAR method (situation, task, action & results) with real-life examples in your answers will make your answers engaging and convincing. Practising mock interviews with your friends before the interview will immensely help.

Keep all relevant documents in one folder

Documentation on your education remains critical during the job interview, even as many companies today opt for a separate document verification process post-interview. Interestingly, using some of your co-curricular certificates as part of your answers will help to engage with your interviewer qualitatively.

Dress impressively

Wear neat and appropriate attire for the interview. Use a good, mild deodorant, especially if you use public transportation to commute. Hygiene and cleanliness are important attributes for interviews.

Be on time

Punctuality is always appreciated, more so when it comes to making the first impression on the interviewer. Being on time is an excellent personal discipline. It is also seen as valuing the interview process. Both of these are essential attributes considered while hiring.

Asking the right questions 

Every interview, invariable, ends with the opportunity for you to ask questions to the interviewer. This is part of the interview process and their evaluation of you. Prepare one or two genuine questions about the role and the organisation.

Ending the interview on the right note

Not many know that ending the interview is as crucial as its start when it comes to leaving the right impression. Thank the interviewer(s), shake hands with them if the protocols permit, and always leave with a smile.

Maintaining positive body language

The interviewer is trained to observe and interpret your body language during the interview. Make sure you sit straight and comfortable, maintain regular eye contact, have the correct energy levels, speak loud enough to be heard, and listen carefully to the questions before answering. Always start and end with a good smile.

Be genuine and transparent 

Interviewers always appreciate honesty and transparency. Be it paraphrasing questions you did not understand, your inexperience with an important skill that is needed, or even if you are getting late for the interview due to genuine reasons – be honest and never fake.

After the interview  

It is always good to drop a line to the interviewer after your meeting, thanking them for their time and opportunity. Feel free to reach out to them for a response if you don’t hear back until about three days after the interview. Many HR executives consider a post-interview reach-out as a positive trait in their evaluation process.

I want a Fresher Job

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